Shady Hill School Fifth Grade Class of 1951
1st row...Left to Right
Mrs. Michaels, Dave Johnson, Mary Grace Deem, Jim Leach, Ruth Ann Wilson, Roger Gabbert, Ruth Ann Holleron, Lum Tichnal, Wonda Brown
Row 2....Left to Right
John Bargeloh, Barbara Tuell, Raymond Pickrell, Bob Vance, Janet Taylor, Fred Lambert,
Row 3....Left to Right
??, William Green, Arlene Flynn, Bobby Gildow, Bethel Derenberger, Bob Winland, Kathryn Duckworth, Larry McDonald, Donna Kay Wolfe
Row 4....Left to Right
Charles Bell, Margaret Leach, Carl Taylor, Irene Jordan, Rolland Marshall, Pearl Duckworth, Butch Whitecotton, Shirley Greathouse
Grades 6 & 7
Row 1
Mrs. Smith, Don Giffen, Mary Lou Whitcotton,
Marvin Duckworth, Kathryn Brown, Clyde Kirby, Eleanor Walbrown, Lewis Mills, Mary Winland,
Merle Gilbert
Row 2
Bobby Mixer, Betty Vance, Richard Dougherty,
Nancy Barnhouse, Carl Surface, Patty Jo Parsons, Rolla McDonald, Mary Griffin
Row 3
Jane Stephens, Lee Pickeral, Jean Molendeck, Glen
Wigal, Lillian Bargeloh, Denzil Riggs, Anna Green, Rex Carder, Ruzziata Kelley, Allen Shears
Row 4
Darrel Huffman, Shyrlene Taylor,
Dick Sams, Eleanor George, Billy Shephard, Kathryn Mills, Paul Morehead, Virginia Marshall,
Bobby George, Dolly Wilson
Row 5
Leroy Graham, Dorthy Kirby, Freddie Meadows,
Phyllis Taylor, Shirley Sams, Rose Ellen Wolfe, Wayne Bargeloh, Marie Yoho